Manuscript Evaluation

Get high-level feedback on your story. Discover exactly what your story needs to become binge-worthy.

Craft a Story that Hooks Readers with Story-Level Feedback

Discover what’s working and what’s not working within your story. Our network of vetted editors are experts in storytelling. They’ll help you maximize your story’s structure, character arcs, and theme to make it a story reader’s can’t put down.

Trajectory Altering Advice at a Surprisingly Affordable Investment

High-level feedback can be costly as there is a lot of expertise and time involved in providing this type of feedback. If you’re budget-conscious author looking for expert guidence on improving your story’s structure, then you’re in the right place.

Craft a Story That Practically Sells Itself

Maximize your sales potential by crafting a story your readers love just as much as you do. When you’re story is well executed, readers will be excited to tell their friends and family about your book. Word of mouth marketing only happens when you produce a product that surprises and delights.

Everything You Need to Know About a Manuscript Evaluation

Best for clients who want high-level feedback on vital structural pieces of their story.

The Manuscript Evaluation includes evaluation of the following:

  • Main plot structure
  • Subplot(s) structure
  • Character arcs
  • Pacing (story-level)

You’ll Get:

  • Editorial summary
  • Check list of action items and a suggested order of completion (to help you save time)
  • 60-minute implementation call (after the evaluation is complete) to ensure you have all of your questions answered so you can begin implementing right away.


This is for: Writers who know there is room for improvement within their story, but they’re not exactly sure how to identify and make those improvements.

Turnaround time is typically 2-3 weeks.

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